Interests/Military2008. 9. 27. 00:11

과거 군복무 중에도 수차례 반복 도상 훈련이나 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션이 있었지만, 남북한 간에 전쟁이 발발하면 개전 후 최대 10분 이내에 북한이 보유한 장사정포에 의해 수도권은 거의 초토화된다는 가상 훈련 결과가 있었다.

Heritage Foundation의 주최로 워싱턴에서 열렸던 한반도 세미나에서 국방연구원 김태우 부소장이 발표한 내용 중에도 이와 일맥상통하는 부분이 있다. 남북한의 국경이라 할 수 있는 휴전선으로부터 각각의 수도인 서울과 평양이 워낙 가깝고 현대 무기의 사정거리 또한 충분히 길기에 미사일 발사나 장사정포의 발포가 개시되면 솔직히 그 화망을 막을 방법이 없다.

현재 국군이 보유한 패트리어트 2 (PAC-2)나 충무공 이순신함 급 구축함 (KD2)에 탑재된 SM2 스탠더드 미사일로는 발사된지 3분 ~ 7분 이내에 착탄하기 시작하는 북한의 중장거리 미사일 및 노동1호, 대포동 1~2호 등의 탄도탄을 막아낼 방법이 없다. AN/TPQ-37 대포병레이더 추가 도입 및 차기 지대공미사일인 SAM-X 개발 및 도입을 서둘러야 할 것 같다.

항상 평화적인 해법만 추구하는게 얼마나 위험한지 반드시 깨달아야 한다.
Posted by Chanwoo™
Interests/Mobile World2008. 9. 25. 22:49

삼성 애니콜 "햅틱2"가 오늘 출시됐다.

지난 3월 출시된 햅틱의 후속모델인데, 초기 모델에서 부족하다며 소비자들의 개선요구가 있었던 부분들이 일부 반영됐다. 특히 해외의 모델과 비교하여 명백히 다운그레이드 됐던 카메라 - 200만 화소 → 500만 화소 - 가 개선되었고 내장플래시가 추가됐다.

해상도도 아주 조금이지만 개선된 것 같은데, 실제 만져보지 않는 이상 확인은 어렵다.

기본 내장 메모리 4GB (W550, W5500) 짜리와 16GB (W555) 가 출시됐고, microSD는 8GB까지 지원한다. 4GB만 해도 영화를 넣어다니지 않는 이상 부족하기 어려울 것 같고, 8GB 추가하면 왠만한 mp3 못지 않을듯.

그리고 기존 모델과 마찬가지로 당연히 풀브라우징 지원. 풀브라우징은 해상도가 최대 관건인데, 아직은 확인 불가. 토요일 12시 신촌에서 이벤트 있다는데, 한번 가볼까 ㅡ.ㅡ;;
Posted by Chanwoo™
Interests/Military2008. 9. 25. 10:17

건국 이래 최대 규모의 국제 관함식이 해운대에서 벌어진다.

흔히 모터쇼나 IT 관련 전시회는 종종 있지만, 관함식은 그 규모 자체가 다를 수 밖에 없다.

다른 모든 전시회는 실내의 제한된 공간에서 벌어지지만 관함식은 공개된 바다, 야외에서 펼쳐지기 때문에 그것을 보는 느낌조차 다를 것 같다.

모터쇼나 IT 관련 전시회는 일반 표준 렌즈로도 어렵잖게 촬영이 가능했지만, 관함식은 왠만해선 망원렌즈가 필수일 것 같다.

카메라의 뷰파인더에 들어오는 피사체의 크기도 다른 전시회들의 몇배에 이르기 때문에 그만큼 보이는 광경 자체도 엄청날 듯.

특히 요코스카에 주둔 중인 미7함대의 10만t급 핵항모 조지워싱턴호도 오고, 한국 해군 최초의 이지스함인 세종대왕함과 헬기상륙함인 독도함도 관함식에 차출(?)된다.

제일 왼쪽은 세종대왕함 진수 전의 모습. 중앙은 조지워싱턴호의 flight deck에 도열한 기체들, 우측은 해상자위대의 구축함.

기회와 시간만 된다면 정말 가서 꼭 보고 싶은 행사인데, 주중에 열린다는 점이 운신의 폭을 줄인다. 여기저기 올라올 사진들로 또 대리만족해야 하려나.
Posted by Chanwoo™
Interests/Military2008. 9. 24. 23:34

미국에서 진행된 Red Flag 훈련에 대한민국 공군 고유 기체를 사용하여 참석하는건 처음이라고 했었는데, 현재 머나먼 미국 땅에서 Red Flag 훈련이 진행중이다. ROKAF037이라는 기체 번호가 선명하다.

아마 ROKAF035 ~ ROKAF040까지 최종 인도 예정기체 6대가 훈련에 참가하고, 훈련이 끝나는대로 태평양을 건너 한국으로 오게 된다.

현재 도입된 40대 (1대 훈련 중 추락 - 현재 39대) 외에 20대 (+ 보상분 1대) 등 총 60대가 도입 확정되었고, 이제 차기 F-X 사업을 통해 F35 Lightning 이건 F22 Raptor 건 정말 4세대 이후의 전투기를 갖춰야 될 것 같다.

현재 도입된 F15K도 분명 우수한 기체지만, 향후 더욱 중요해질 항공 전력 강화는 꼭 필요할 듯.
Posted by Chanwoo™
Interests/Cars2008. 9. 24. 23:13

대한민국 대통령을 비롯한 많은 국가원수들이 애용하는 Mercedes-Benz의 방탄차량 S600 풀만 가드가 공개됐다.

기본 S600에 탑재되는 5531cc의 12기통 엔진은 그대로 들어가지만, 그외의 차체 보강이 상상을 초월한다. 소총은 물론 수류탄 등의 폭발에도 끄떡없을 방탄 유리 및 차체는 물론 런플랫 타이어, NBC에 대비한 공기정화시스템 등.

그리고, 일반 승용차(?)의 무게가 왠만한 장갑차 혹은 전차의 무게와 견줄 정도라 하면 대충 짐작이 된다. 거기다 탑재된 엔진의 튜닝 정도 또한 짐작 가능. 아마 AMG에서 특별 튜닝을 거쳐서 들어가지 않을까.

여튼, 저런 녀석 하나면 아프가니스탄의 탈레반 수뇌부에 쳐들어가도 아무 걱정 없을 듯 ㅋㅋ
Posted by Chanwoo™
Interests/Cars2008. 9. 24. 10:28

미쓰비시 궁극의 랠리카 Lancer Evolution (aka 란에보)가 국내 출시됐다.

10세대 모델인걸로 알고 있는데, 16년여간 끊임없이 진화하고 개선되어 현재에 이르렀다.

예전에 게임하면서 참 괜찮은 차라고 생각했던 녀석이고, 언젠가 꼭 한번 몰아보고 싶다는 소망이 있던 차인데, 국내 출시가가 좀 너무 터무니없다. 6200만원...ㅡ.ㅡ;;

독일의 Benz, BMW, 일본의 Lexus, Infiniti 등과는 당연히 추구하는 목표가 다른 차임에는 틀림없지만 해당 브랜드의 중간급 이상의 차량들과 유사한 가격대라면 시장 선정을 조금 잘못한게 아닐까.

물론 성능이나 드라이빙의 재미 자체가 전혀 다른 분야의 차라는건 고민할 여지가 없다. 기본 AWD에 스티어링 lock-to-lock 2.5바퀴였나, 여튼 굉장히 직관적이고 민첩한 스티어링까지. 스포츠성을 극대화할 수 있는 세팅들.

2000cc 4기통 엔진에 트윈터보를 달아 295마력을 내뿜는 괴력의 엔진 - 기본 구조는 현대 쏘나타에 들어가는 쎄타 엔진이라는 - 을 기반으로 한다.

트윈클러치를 장착한 6단 자동변속기로 수동에 못지않은 폭발적인 성능을 과시하고, 3-spoke 스티어링 휠과 패들 시프트 또한 운전의 재미를 더한다.

그런데, 란에보에 달린 3-spoke 스티어링휠...어디서 많이 본 것 같지 않나? 거의 모든 회사의 3-spoke가 비슷한 모양이겠지만 정말 "deja vu"를 외칠만큼 닮은 녀석들이 많다.

란에보X, 스포츠성과 운전의 재미만을 따진다면 충분히 매력적이고 달려들고 싶을 차이겠지만 가격에서 한번 태클이 걸리는 아쉬움은 어찌할 수 없다.

시장상황을 보며 가격에도 일부 조정이 있지 않을까 싶다.

다만, 궁극의 랠리카, 드라이빙 머신이 들어왔다는 점은 참 반갑다.
Posted by Chanwoo™
Interests/Cars2008. 9. 23. 13:11

기아자동차에서 신차를 출시했다.

지난 부산모터쇼에서 디바, 서처, 버너 등 세가지 dress-up 버전을 내놓아 시선을 집중시켰던 기아 SOUL.

물론 양산차의 디자인이 완전히 똑같지는 않지만, 세가지 쇼카에 적용되었던 데칼이나 바디키트, 휠 등은 '튜온'을 통해서 구입이 가능하다.

닛산 큐브와 유사한 박스카 디자인, 블랙 A필라 적용 등을 통해 많은 관심을 끌고 있는데,
실제로 눈 앞에서 다니는거 보고 싶다.

주말에 가능하면 시승이나 가볼까 ㅎ
Posted by Chanwoo™
Interests/Camera2008. 9. 18. 23:31
드디어 나왔다. 그리고, 머지않아 강림할 지름신도 다가왔다 ㅡ.ㅡa

2005년 8월 출시된 Canon의 보급형 Full Frame 바디 EOS 5D.

2008년 9월, 37개월만에 후속기인 EOS 5D Mark II가 출시됐다.

EOS 1Ds Mark III에 채용된 2,110만 화소의 CMOS 센서를 가져오고 최신 이미지 엔진인 DIGIC IV를 장착했다. 더불어 Full Frame 바디 최초로 Full HD 동영상까지 촬영이 가능하다.

아래는 DPreview에 게재된 EOS 5D Mark II의 소개글.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II: 21MP and HD movies
Wednesday, 17 September 2008  04:00 GMT

Canon redefines the future of photography:
21.1 MP EOS 5D Mark II offers Full HD video capture

Amstelveen, The Netherlands, 17 September 2008: Canon announces the full frame, 21.1 Megapixel EOS 5D Mark II: the first EOS with full High Definition video capability.

Compact, lightweight with environmental protection, EOS 5D successor boasts a newly designed Canon CMOS sensor, with ISO sensitivity up to 25,600 for shooting in near dark conditions. The new DIGIC 4 processor combines with the improved CMOS sensor to deliver medium format territory image quality at 3.9 frames per second, for up to 310 frames.

Triggered from Live View Mode, HD video capture allows users to shoot uninterrupted at full 1080 resolution at 30fps – for amazing quality footage with outstanding levels of detail and realism.

The integration of HD movie capability into a high-end 21.1 Megapixel camera opens a multitude of new possibilities for photojournalists and news photographers. With its full frame CMOS sensor and outstanding ISO performance, the EOS 5D Mark II will appeal to any photographer in search of the finest camera equipment available – from studio and wedding to nature and travel photographers.
Other improvements to the EOS 5D include

  • Addition of Canon’s EOS Integrated Cleaning System, with a new Fluorine coating on the low-pass filter
  • Larger 3.0” Clear View LCD with VGA resolution, a 170° angle of view and anti-reflective coatings
  • Improved menu system including Quick Control Screen for more direct access to common settings
  • Automatic peripheral illumination correction, utilising detailed EF lens information to optimise JPEG images straight out of the camera
  • Magnesium alloy construction with additional environmental protection
  • UDMA memory card compatibility.

“Professional photojournalists and wedding photographers already choose the EOS 5D for its discrete size and outstanding image quality,” said Mogens Jensen, head of Canon Consumer Imaging. “The addition of HD movie recording opens a new chapter for EOS. It creates new possibilities for EOS photographers to capture and share their stories and to stay relevant in a rapidly changing digital landscape.”

Key Specifications:

  • New 21.1 Megapixel CMOS sensor with improved EOS Integrated Cleaning System (E.I.C.S.)
  • New Full HD 1080 resolution movie recording
  • 3.9 frames per second continuous shooting
  • High performance DIGIC 4 providing superb image quality
  • Maximum 310 large JPEG images in a single burst with a UDMA card
  • 3.0” VGA (920k dots) Clear View LCD
  • ISO 100-6400 (expansion from 50 up to 25,600)
  • 9 AF points + 6 Assist AF points

Additional information

New CMOS sensor
The EOS 5D Mark II’s newly designed full frame 21.1 Megapixel CMOS sensor features ISO sensitivity from 100-6400, expandable to 50, 12,800 and 25,600. Large 6.4µm2 pixels have been redesigned to capture more light and yield a better signal to noise ratio to ensure lower noise images throughout the ISO range. The full frame sensor has the same dimensions as a frame of 35mm film. This means that wide-angle lenses stay wide, without the change in angle of view associated with smaller sensor cameras. As well as benefiting from finer control over depth of field, photographers moving up to the EOS 5D Mark II’s full frame format will find the newly designed wide, bright 98% coverage viewfinder on a joy to work with.

New DIGIC 4 processor
A new DIGIC 4 processor combined with 14-bit analogue to digital conversion provides smooth gradations in mono-tonal areas such as skies, and highly accurate colour rendition. As well as HD movie shooting, DIGIC 4’s high speed provides for long uninterrupted continuous bursts of large JPEGs, near-instant start-up times and immediate and fast review after shooting. DIGIC 4 also provides for improved noise reduction algorithms, complementing the already low noise images from the EOS 5D Mark II’s CMOS sensor.

HD video capture
The EOS 5D Mark II is Canon’s first D-SLR to incorporate full HD 1920x1080 video capture. Once filming is started from Live View mode, photographers can fire off either single of continuous stills, with video capture continuing after the final frame is captured.

See everything
A new 3.0” VGA resolution LCD provides a wide 170º angle-of-view, providing plenty of clarity for accurate focus checks in playback. The screen brightness can automatically adjust to suit viewing conditions, extending battery life in low light and improving viewing in bright conditions. A new dedicated Live View button switches modes to display a real-time image on the LCD. This allows EOS 5D Mark II photographers to enjoy simplified shooting from awkward angles. Simple connection to a PC provides easy remote shooting.

Precision focus and metering

A 9-point auto focus system is supported by 6 additional invisible Assist AF points, located inside the spot-metering circle to optimise subject tracking performance in AI SERVO AF mode. For accurate exposure readings in tricky lighting conditions, the spot metering circle covers just 3.5% of the frame.


The EOS 5D Mark II’s redesigned menu system includes a new Quick Control screen, for instant access to the most commonly changed settings. A new Creative Auto mode allows photographers to cede control of key settings to the camera, while retaining control over creative variables such background blur, drive mode and image brightness. Custom user settings allow photographers to switch between two completely different camera setups. This is ideal for changing quickly between two different environments, such as switching from working inside a church without flash to outdoors with fill-flash at a wedding.


Shooting flexibility is enhanced with a range of new accessories. Shooting capacity can be extended with either the high capacity 1800mAh lithium-ion Battery Pack LP-E6, or Battery Grip BG-E6.

A new optional Wireless File Transmitter –

the WFT-E4 – offers external HDD and GPS compatibility along with ability to transmit images direct to computer or FTP server, or operate the camera wirelessly. Both the BG-E6 and WFT-E4  feature a vertical orientation shutter release and other key controls for comfortable portraiture work, with a substantial grip to help balance the camera when used with long lenses.

Technologies Explained:

Canon’s CMOS technology is one of the company’s key competitive advantages, with noise reduction circuitry at each pixel site delivering virtually noise-free images. In comparison with CCD technology, the lower power consumption characteristics of Canon’s CMOS sensors also contribute to longer battery life.

Signal conversion in Canon’s CMOS sensors is handled by individual amplifiers at each pixel site. Unnecessary charge transfer operations are avoided, vastly speeding up the process of getting signal to the image processor. Noise generation is reduced, power consumption is limited and faster frame rate potential is increased.

Image data captured by the CMOS sensor is processed by Canon’s purpose-built DIGIC image processors before being written to the camera's memory card. DIGIC technology uses advanced image processing algorithms to ensure precise, natural colours, accurate white balance, and advanced noise reduction. Ultra-fast processing speeds result in highly responsive camera operation and near-instant start-up times.

DIGIC chips work with a high speed DDR-SDRAM image buffer – reading, processing, compressing and writing image data fast enough to keep the buffer clear during long continuous shooting bursts. And because DIGIC integrates all key processing functions, power consumption is kept to a minimum.

EOS Integrated Cleaning System
The EOS Integrated Cleaning System combats sensor dust in three important ways: Reduce, Repel and Remove.

  • Reduce - Internal camera mechanisms are designed to minimise dust generation. The redesigned body cap prevents dust generation through wear on the cap itself.
  • Repel - Anti-static technologies, including a special fluorine coating, are applied to the low-pass filter covering the front of the sensor so as not to attract dust.
  • Remove - A Self-Cleaning Sensor Unit uses hi-frequency vibrations to shake dust from the infrared filter for a period of approximately one second after each start up. For instant shooting after power up, this feature is disabled immediately the shutter release is depressed.

Canon has also developed an internal Dust Delete Data system, which can map the position of visible dust on the sensor. This can then be deleted automatically after the shoot with the latest Digital Photo Professional software.

Picture Style
Picture Style pre-sets simplify in-camera control over image qualities. Picture Style pre-sets can be likened to different film types – each one offering a different colour response. Within each selectable pre-set, photographers have control over sharpness, contrast, colour tone and saturation. The camera’s factory default configuration is set to deliver immediately-usable JPEG images without need for additional menu settings. Picture Style presets applied to a RAW image can be revised with Canon’s Digital Photo Professional software.

The six pre-sets are:

  • Standard – for crisp, vivid images that don’t require post-processing
  • Portrait – optimises colour tone and saturation and weakens sharpening to achieve attractive skin tones
  • Landscape – for punchier greens and blues with stronger sharpening to give a crisp edge to mountain, tree and building outlines
  • Neutral – ideal for post-processing
  • Faithful – adjusts colour to match the subject colour when shot under a colour temperature of 5200K
  • Monochrome – for black and white shooting with a range of filter effects (yellow, orange, red and green) and toning effects (sepia, blue, purple and green).

Digital Photo Professional Software
Digital Photo Professional software provides high speed, high quality processing of lossless RAW images. Processing with Digital Photo Professional allows real-time display and immediate application of image adjustments, giving control over RAW image variables such as white balance, dynamic range, exposure compensation, noise reduction and colour tone – plus the ability to view Auto Focus points on an image. The Lens Aberration correction tool allows precise correction of different types of distortion caused by certain cameras. Images can be recorded in camera with sRGB or Adobe RGB colour space.

Digital Photo Professional supports sRGB, Adobe RGB, ColorMatch RGB, Apple RGB and Wide Gamut RGB colour spaces. ICC (International Colour Consortium) profiles can be attached to TIFF or JPEG images when converted from RAW. This allows faithful reproduction of colours in software applications that support ICC profiles, such as Adobe Photoshop. For improved efficiency, a set of image adjustments can be saved as a recipe and applied.

EOS Utility
The latest version of EOS Utility provides essential support for Live View remote shooting, camera configuration and image transfers. Tightly integrated with Digital Photo Professional, EOS Utility can be configured to monitor ‘hot’ folders, automatically renaming and moving incoming images to a structured file system. Users can also tag their images with EXIF data, including copyright information.

Picture Style Editor
Picture Style Editor allows users to create individual Picture Styles that fit with their personal requirements. Each Picture Style contains detailed information on how specific colours should be represented within an image. Once new Picture Styles have been created, they can be uploaded directly into the camera and applied to JPEG or RAW images. When working with RAW files in DPP, both personal Picture Styles and the 6 predetermined Picture Styles can all be adjusted.

Additional images

Canon EOS 5D Mark II specifications

List price
(body only)
• US: $ 2,699
• EU: € 2,499
• UK: £ 2,299
List price
(EF 24-105 L kit)
• US: $ 3,499
• EU: € 3,299
• UK: £ 3,049
Body material Magnesium alloy
Sensor * • 36 x 24 mm CMOS sensor
• Full 35 mm size frame
• RGB Color Filter Array
• Built-in fixed low-pass filter (with self-cleaning unit)
• 22.0 million total pixels
• 21.1 million effective pixels
• 3:2 aspect ratio
Lenses • Canon EF lens mount (does not support EF-S lenses)
• No field of view crop (1.0x)
Dust reduction • "EOS Integrated Cleaning System"
• Self-cleaning sensor unit (filter in front of sensor vibrates at high frequency at start-up and shutdown - can be disabled)
• Dust Delete Data - Data from a test shot is used to 'map' dust spots and can be later removed using Canon DPP Software
Image processor * DIGIC 4
A/D conversion 14 bit
Image sizes (JPEG) * • 5616 x 3744 (21.0 MP)
• 4080 x 2720 (11.1 MP)
• 2784 x 1856 (5.2 MP)
Image sizes (RAW) * • 5616 x 3744 (21.0 MP)
• 3861 x 2574 (10.0 MP)
• 2784 x 1856 (5.2 MP)
File formats *

• RAW (.CR2; 14-bit)
• JPEG (EXIF 2.21) - Fine / Normal
• RAW + JPEG (separate files)
sRAW1, sRAW2 (see above) *

Auto focus • 9-point TTL CMOS sensor
• 6 "Invisible Assist AF points"
• Centre point cross type F5.6 or faster
• Center point additionally sensitive with lenses of F2.8 or faster
• AF working range: -0.5 - 18 EV (at 23°C, ISO 100)
Focus modes • One shot AF
• AI Servo AF
• AI Focus AF
• Manual focus
AF micro adjustment *

• Adjust all lenses by same amount (effectively body adjustment)
• Adjust up to 20 lenses individually

AF point selection • Auto
• Manual
Predictive AF • As close as 8 m (with 300 mm F2.8L lens at 50 kph)
AF assist No (only with external flash)
Metering • TTL full aperture metering 35 zone SPC
• Metering range: 1.0 - 20 EV
Metering modes

• Evaluative 35 zone (linked to any AF point)
• Partial (8% at center)
• Spot metering (approx. 3.5% at center)
• Center-weighted average

AE lock • Auto: One Shot AF with evaluative metering
• Manual: AE lock button
Exposure compensation • +/-2.0 EV
• 0.3 or 0.5 EV increments
Exposure bracketing • +/- 2.0 EV
• 0.3 or 0.5 EV increments
Sensitivity *

• ISO 100 - 6400
• 0.3 or 1.0 EV increments
• Auto ISO (100-3200)
• Expansion options:
ISO 50 (L1)
ISO 12800 (H1)
ISO 25600 (H2)

Shutter • Focal-plane shutter
• 150,000 exposure durability
• 30 - 1/8000 sec
• 0.3 or 0.5 EV increments
• Flash X-Sync: 1/200 sec
• Bulb
Aperture values • F1.0 - F91
• 0.3 or 0.5 EV increments
• Actual aperture range depends on lens used
White balance • Auto
• Daylight
• Shade
• Cloudy
• Tungsten
• Fluorescent
• Flash
• Custom
• Kelvin (2500 - 10000 K in 100 K steps)
WB bracketing • +/-3 levels
• 3 images
• Blue / Amber or Magenta / Green bias
WB shift • Blue (-9) To Amber (+9)
• Magenta (-9) to Green (+9)
Picture style • Standard
• Portrait
• Landscape
• Neutral
• Faithful
• Monochrome
• User def. 1
• User def. 2
• User def. 3
Custom image parameters • Sharpness: 0 to 7
• Contrast: -4 to +4
• Saturation: -4 to +4
• Color tone: -4 to +4
• B&W filter: N, Ye, Or, R, G
• B&W tone: N, S, B, P, G
Image processing options *

• Highlight tone priority
• Auto lighting optimizer (4 settings)
• Long exposure noise reduction
• High ISO noise reduction (4 settings)
• Auto correction of lens peripheral illumination (vignetting)

Color space • sRGB
• Adobe RGB
Viewfinder * • Eye-level pentaprism
• 98% frame coverage
• Magnification: 0.71x (-1 diopter with 50 mm lens at infinity)
• Eyepoint: Approx. 21 mm
• Interchangeable focusing screen (3 other types optional)
• Dioptric adjustment: -3.0 to +1.0 diopter
Mirror • Quick-return half mirror (transmission:reflection ratio 40:60)
• Mirror lock-up (once or multiple exposures)
Viewfinder info *

• AF information:
AF points
Focus confirmation light
• Exposure information:
Shutter speed
Aperture value
ISO speed (always displayed)
AE lock
Exposure level/compensation
Spot metering circle
Exposure warning
• Flash information:
Flash ready
High-speed sync
FE lock
Flash exposure compensation
• Image information:
White balance correction
CF card information
Monochrome shooting
Maximum burst (2 digit display)
Highlight tone priority (D+)

LCD monitor * • 3.0 " TFT LCD
• 920,000 pixels
• Automatic 3 level brightness adjustment plus 7 manual levels
• 170 ° viewing angle
• Dual anti-reflection ('Clear View')
LCD Live view *

• Live TTL display of scene from CMOS image sensor
• 100% frame coverage
• 30 fps
• Real-time evaluative metering using CMOS image sensor
• Best view or exposure simulation
• Silent mode
• Grid optional (x2)
• Magnify optional (5x or 10x at AF point)
• Three AF modes - Live mode / Quick mode / Face Detection
• Live histogram (Luminance or RGB)
• Remote live view using EOS Utility 2.0 (via USB or WiFi/Ethernet using WFT)

Movie recording *

• Available optionally during Live view mode
• 1920 x 1080 (16:9) up to 12 mins (Quicktime 1080p H.264; 38.6 Mbits/sec)
• 640 x 480 (4:3) up to 24 mins (Quicktime 480p H.264; 17.3 Mbits/sec)
• Max file size 4 GB
• Quicktime MOV format (H.264 video, PCM sound)
• 30 fps

Record review • Off
• On (histogram via INFO button)
• Display mode same as last used Play mode
• 2 / 4 / 8 sec / Hold
Playback modes

1. Single image with exposure, file number, storage slot
2. As 1 but also image count and quality
3. Detailed exposure information, thumbnail and luminance histogram
4. Less detailed exposure info., thumbnail, luminance and RGB histograms

Playback features • Optional blinking highlight alert
• Optional AF point display
• Magnified view (up to 10x)
• 2x2 or 3x3 thumbnail index
• Jump (by 1, 10, 100 images, screen, date, folder, movies, stills)*
• Delete / Protect

• No built-in flash unit
• E-TTL II auto flash / metered manual
• Flash compensation +/-2.0 EV in 0.3 or 0.5 EV increments
• X-Sync: 1/200 sec
• Hot-shoe & PC Terminal

External flash • E-TTL II auto flash with EX-series Speedlites
• In-camera flash configuration (currently only 580 EX II)
• Wireless multi-flash support
• PC Sync
Shooting modes

• Auto
• Creative Auto *
• Program AE (P)
• Shutter priority AE (Tv)
• Aperture priority AE (Av)
• Manual (M)
• Custom 1
• Custom 2 *
• Custom 3 *

Drive modes

• Single
• Continuous: 3.9 fps *
• Self-timer: 2 or 10 sec (2 sec with mirror lock-up)

Burst buffer • Large/Fine JPEG: 78 frames (310 with UDMA card) *
• RAW: 13 frames *
Orientation sensor Yes
Auto rotation • On (recorded and LCD display)
• On (recorded only)
• Off
Custom functions * 25 custom functions with 71 settings in 4 groups
Menu languages *

• 25 Languages
• English, German, French, Dutch, Danish, Portuguese, Finnish, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Spanish, Greek, Russian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Ukrainian, Turkish, Arabic, Thai, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean and Japanese

Firmware User upgradable
Portrait grip • Optional WFT-E4 (WiFi / LAN / USB mass storage)
• Optional BG-E6 battery grip
Connectivity *

• USB 2.0 Hi-Speed
• AV out (video & audio *)
• HDMI connector *
• Microphone input *
• PC Sync flash terminal
• Communication terminal on base for WFT-E4
• InfraRed *

Storage * • Compact Flash Type I or II (inc. FAT32)
• Supports UDMA cards *
• Copyright metatag support
• Canon Original Data Security Kit supported ("Original Image Data")
Power * • Lithium-Ion LP-E6 rechargeable battery (supplied & charger)
• CR1616 for date & settings
• Approx. 850 shots at 20°C
• Battery indication 6 levels & percentage (memorized)
Dimensions * 152 x 114 x 75 mm (6.0 x 4.5 x 2.9 in)
Weight * • No battery: 810 g (1.8 lb)

• Viewfinder: Eyecup Eb, E-series Dioptric Adjustment Lens with Rubber Frame Eb, Eyepiece Extender EP-EX15, Focusing Screens Eg, Angle Finder C
• Wireless File Transmitter WFT-E4
• Battery Grip BG-E6
• All EF lenses (excludes EF-S lenses)
• Canon Speedlites (220EX, 380EX, 420EX, 430EX, 430EX II, 550EX, 580EX, 580EX II, Macro-Ring-Lite, MR-14EX, Macro Twin Lite MT-24EX, Speedlite Transmitter ST-E2)
• Remote control with N3 type contact, Wireless Controller LC-5, Remote Controller RC-1, Remote Controller RC-5
• Original Data Security Kit OSK-E3

* Changes or additions compared to the EOS 5D

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